No code

Use Arta’s customizable and pre-built tools to get up and running quick with no custom development.

Arta provides many tools and web-based workflows to ease the process of shipping high-value and unique items.

From selecting and booking shipments, to managing customs forms and tracking fulfillment progress, our no-code solutions require minimal technical effort and deliver excellent user experiences.

Most of Arta’s no-code tools share the following characteristics:

  • Managed and customized fully from within the Arta Dashboard
  • Desktop and mobile-friendly
  • May be white-labeled and hosted on your domain to suit your brand experience requirements

What’s inside

  • Estimates – a mobile-friendly widget providing quick shipping estimates on your site
  • Object Mapping – let Arta parse the required object data
  • Booking – efficient and mobile-friendly quoting and shipment booking
  • Emails – customizable shipment status and tracking emails sent to your customers
  • Tracking – realtime status and tracking updates for booked shipments
  • Customs (ECD) – forms and workflows to automate customs filing procedures