User Accounts & Organizations
Once you’ve signed up for a user account you can create or join existing Organizations. Organizations can have many users and users can belong to many Organizations. Some business only need a single Organization but others choose to create multiple organizations with Arta for unique segments of their business, e.g. sales channels, geography, or billing preferences.
Inviting Team Members
When inviting a user to your Organization, you can choose the appropriate role to ensure users can only manage relevant data according to their role
- Owners can see and edit all aspects of an Organization including Users, Shipments, and Billing details.
- Members can view all aspects of an Organization but only create and edit Quote Requests and Shipments.
- Read-Only can view all aspects of an Organization but cannot create or edit anything.
Payment Methods
Arta accepts major credit cards and ACH. You can add or remove payment methods. Payment methods can be used for both subscriptions and fulfillment or you can have unique payment methods for each.
Every Arta client will have an active subscription with monthly charges. This page shows what type of subscription you are on and the payment history. From this view you can see monthly payments that are paid or past due, and adjust the payment method in use.
If you want access to additional services or adjust your subscription in any way, please contact us.
Arta automatically processes payment for shipping and insurance services on a recurrent basis for all invoiced transactions during a set period. From the Billing section you can see previous statements, total amount paid and update the payment method in use.
Your Organizations payment terms and period will be clearly stated.
If you would like to set a threshold for the max amount charged at one time.
Saved Address
Create an address book of addresses you commonly ship to or from that can be used to populate the Requests or Booking Sessions.
Create customized tags with relevant information to your Organization that can be utilized by all Users to categorize and filter Booking Sessions, Requests and Shipments.
Exporter Information & Authorization
If you are the exporter of record for your shipments and rely on our Export Customs Documentation form for filing exports with customs, you can save your exporter information on Arta to avoid repeated data entry.
On the Dashboard Home page Arta also provides an Onboarding Guide for setting up your Organization’s settings and configurations, found in the top right of the screen.