Quote requests

This section dives into specific parts of a Quote Request so clients can better understand how to create a request that meets their business and users’ needs as well as how to manage the Request lifecycle.

Request Statuses

Arta provides a status for each Quote Request, such as Quoted or Expired. Understanding Request statuses enables you to follow up on Requests that could not be quoted or target marketing efforts based on interest.


By default, Arta’s rates account for the secure packaging of goods, (if required,) and transportation from the origin to the destination. Additionally, we offer end-to-end global fulfillment services to meet even the most complex logistics requirements.

Quote Types

Due to the unique nature of the types of goods we ship, we offer multiple service levels to ensure the safe delivery of every item. We analyze inputs including item type, medium, and value to provide the best price for each relevant service level and mode of transportation.