Logistics services at Arta

While we’ve previously covered how daunting it may be to transact in unique and high-value items at scale, Arta’s mission is to streamline the process from end-to-end for you and your buyers. At Arta, this starts with shipping.

At heart, we are a technology company – we build easy-to-use APIs, elegant and brandable user interfaces, machine learning, and much more – but efficiency and quality at Arta have their foundations in our shipping products, our commitment to customer service, and the decades of operational expertise we bring to work with us every day.

In the Arta Shipping guides, we will:

  • walk through the shipping lifecycle for Arta shipments – from quoting to booking and fulfillment – and highlight how it differs from traditional models
  • introduce Arta’s core shipping products: Self Ship, Parcel, Select, and Premium
  • define the key components in the system – Quote Requests, Quotes, Services, Shipments, and Statuses – and illustrate how those pieces all fit together to provide a seamless and scalable experience for you and your buyers