Getting a Valuables Insurance quote

Offering Valuables Insurance to your buyers

Arta provides access to its valuables insurance quoting forms on Arta’s shipment lifecylce emails and Tracking pages. When possible, Arta includes an estimated price for coverage based on the items being shipped.

If you would like to offer valuables insurance from your own platform, contact us.

Getting a quote

Arta’s valuables insurance form is dynamic to make the buyer’s quoting experience as efficient and accurate as possible. When a buyer clicks through from a shipment, Arta will pre-populate applicable information. As buyers complete the form, fields will vary based on their collection and location to capture required information to determine their risk profile.

  1. Buyers will be asked to provide the location of their collection and their contact information.
  2. Buyers will classify each item, provide the value and a description for their reference.
  3. Buyers will be required to accept a Consumer Disclosure before receiving their quote.

Quotes will be generated instantly for an annual policy.


At this time, valuables insurance is available for items greater than $2500. If the items in the collection fall below that threshold buyers will not receive a quote.

It is possible an underwriter review is required based on the objects or location. Supplemental information may be requested from the buyer to provide a quote.

There are also offline hours where quotes cannot be generated or paid for. Buyers will be emailed during business hours to return and complete their transaction.