A collection of ecommerce and logistics definitions related to Arta's platform.
Definitions tagged with "Dashboard Configuration"

A place to store commonly used address to expedite the quote request process.

A communication system within Arta’s dashboard that allows users to communicate efficiently and directly with Arta’s team.

A unique name that identifies your business visible on public facing URLs.

A configuration that enables you to send Arta email notifications to contacts on a shipment such as the Origin or Destination contacts.

A configuration that enables you to subscribe members of your team or a distribution list to Arta email notifications by providing an email address per type.

A notification management space within Arta’s dashboard, configurable to each users workflow.

A user that can view all aspects of an Organization but is only able to create and manage Quote Requests and Shipments.

A billing configuration enabled by an Arta admin that allows users to book and receive an invoice

A unique name that identifies your business. The Organization name will be publicly visible unless a Display Name is provided.

A user that has edit access to all aspects of an Organization, including API Keys, Notifications, other Users, Shipments and Billing. There can be multiple Owners per Organization.

A billing configuration enabled by an Arta admin that requires payment to be submitted through credit card in order to book a shipment.

A user that can view all aspects of an Organization but does not have the ability to create or edit.