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Arta has four shipping types: Self Ship, Parcel, Select, and Premium. Each type has different services to ensure your shipment is appropriately moved; safely, efficiently, and economically. Here, we outline additional services and provide real-world examples of when these costs may apply.

Arta Shipping Quotes


Packaging includes both labor and materials. Within our quote generator, each object is assessed based on size, value, and material to recommend the best type of packaging, which varies per shipping type. Knowing the type of object lets us understand if objects can be packed with other similar items and how many can be safely packed together.

Example costs

  • A ring already in a ring box will need to be stabilized inside the mailing box to prevent the internal box from shifting inside, preventing damage to the external box and a deterrent for theft when identified as jewelry.
  • A glass table will have the top removed and crated, and the base will be wrapped in a moving blanket, which will need the ends of the legs protected with additional bubble and cardboard.


While shipments progress toward their final delivery, they will move in and out of facilities, whether crated locally before an international voyage or received at a local driver’s facility days before being delivered to your home.

Example costs

  • After a carrier has packaged a Parcel shipment, they need to have staff coordinate the release to a common courier like UPS, FedEx, or DHL.
  • A Premium shipment arrives into customs and temporarily needs to be held while duties and taxes are paid, and the package is cleared for delivery.


Outside of moving the package from point A to B, labor is often related to on-site handling and local collection. With Self Ship, the seller will pull, pack, and release the object(s), reducing the contracted handling required to prepare the shipment for transit. With our other services, Arta will facilitate the collection, packaging, and release. For Premium and Select, we can coordinate the installation or assembly while on-site at delivery.

Example costs

  • Local carriers will arrive at the origin location, collect object(s), and move them to their facility for inspection and packing.
  • When a Select carrier delivers furniture to a residence, they can deliver it to a room of choice if booked in advance.


Moving one-of-a-kind and high-value goods can require specialized transportation services. Although Self Ship and Parcel move on a common carrier network (UPS, FedEx, DHL), Select and Premium involve a network of trained technicians and experienced businesses that only move similar goods. Not only are the drivers and handlers familiar with the unique needs of these objects, but the vehicles can be equipped with air ride, climate control, or security.

Example costs

  • Select drivers account for time spent on site wrapping and loading furniture into a truck with other similar items.
  • Premium vehicles with built-in art shelving for moving tall flexible canvases safely without crates.


In addition to the actual duties and taxes, clearing an item through customs requires administration, warehousing, and handling. Customs agents often open packages to inspect that the declared work is inside, legitimate, and made of the materials stated. Packages will need to be moved from the airline warehouse to the customs warehouse to the delivery agent’s vehicle. With complex shipments, clearance can take days or weeks and accrue daily fees.

Example costs

  • The labor for a customs agent to open the face of a crate, unwrap the artwork, and inspect the content.
  • The administration to file a permit required to transport restricted goods like Brazilian rosewood across borders.

Transit Insurance

To protect your shipment while in transit, Arta offers our own Arta Transit Insurance - an all risks policy that covers loss, total damage, and even small cracks, dents, or abrasions that might occur while the piece is in motion. Objects are at their highest risk when being handled and packaged, which is why the premium for coverage is likely higher than your standard household policy. Our policy covers potential restoration or loss in value, which are services specific to unique and high-value goods.


The one cost you may have never considered is your own time. Arta is facilitating each step of the process, from collection to clearance to local delivery. For larger and more expensive items, this can require 3-5 carriers to ensure experts are handling the piece at each step of the journey. Even for small packages, Arta communicates with the large common carriers (UPS, FedEx, DHL) to ensure that packages move along their network without exception. Arta is your single touchpoint throughout booking and delivery, eliminating even the time spent thinking of who to call.