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Data accuracy is the key to ensuring your buyers have a successful fulfillment experience. This guide highlights the importance of precise and reliable data when delivering and insuring objects.

Specific subtypes

For every object we quote to ship, Arta needs to know what kind of object it is. Is it a chair, a toy, or a necklace? This helps us categorize the items that can be safely packed together and what materials to use. We have many object types, so looking for the right match is important. A small train could be a Sculpture, but more specifically, it is a Model/Miniature.

Framing matters

Although it might not look like a big difference between a Photograph (unframed) and a Photograph (framed), it is a significant distinction in packing and transportation. A small unframed photograph is as thin as a piece of paper and will be most safely - and affordably - packed in a portfolio, sandwiched between archival material and cardboard. A framed photograph will likely require a foam-lined box or similar to protect the weight and edge of the frame during handling and transportation.

If Arta makes a recommendation based on the wrong subtype, the packaging costs may be inflated, the artwork may be under-packed, and, at worst, the photograph might get damaged.

Glazing matters

For flatworks that are framed, it is critical we know the glazing or material over the face of the artwork. A Painting (framed) with no barrier between the packaging and the artwork will likely need a shadowbox to keep anything from coming into contact with the face of the work. A Painting (framed with glass) may require an anti-shatter wrap or a crate of a smaller size.

Our definitions are:

  • Framed - There is an external frame with no protective face.
  • Framed with Plexi - There is an external frame with a plexiglass or plastic protective face.
  • Framed with Glass - There is an external frame with a glass protective face.

What is ‘Fragile’?

For all objects, Arta asks, Is Fragile? True/False. Every unique object that we move is delicate and fine. We are referring specifically to brittle or highly sensitive materials likely to deteriorate with normal amounts of movement. This includes materials like glass, ceramics, and neon.

Fragile objects are packed more substantially than their counterparts, so you may notice different packaging recommendations and pricing.

Using the Notes field for keywords

As a backup, Arta parses the Object Details, Notes field for specific keywords and will consider the object fragile regardless of whether it was marked ‘True’. These are words like pottery, wax, gilded, mirror.

Arta works with an incredibly diverse inventory, so our list may only capture some fragile material. It is best not to rely on this field, but use the Fragile? T/F input for sensitive objects.

What’s included in an Object’s Value?

Arta requires the value of every object shipped. This value is used to determine the safest packaging and transportation and for insurance and customs clearance.

For customs clearance, the value must be the most recent sales price, not material cost or a lesser value.

For insurance, the value passed to Arta will be the amount paid out in case of a claim. Sales tax, premiums, or other costs the buyer paid can be included if the expectation is that the buyer is reimbursed for the entire invoiced amount.